Last night left dew on the grass which continued through to
this morning with a drizzly start. As the clouds parted and it began to dry up,
a damp undertone was left along with a somewhat chilly feel, but not as much as
you’d expect for this time of the year.
However this had no effect and wasn’t to stop it being a
delightful walk on the reserve. When stepping out your left ear drum is hit by
the sound coming from the feeding station which stands just metres away.
Happily getting on was the usual great tits and blue tits before a swarm of
greenfinches and chiming goldfinches battled in. The amount of space on the
feeders was limited with the numbers that had arrived. Birds caught in mid-air
and frantically moving their wings. A scene which was quite different compared to
the summer when I saw it thriving with the bright pink colours of the bullfinches.
Below the table and feeders, were the usual suspects including the odd pigeon
and of course a squirrel stumbling in.
In the distance, further down the reserve, you can see the
lake where white blobs float and beckon you. As I make my way down to the hide
to see what other birds I can discover down by the lake, the path takes me down
through colourful woodlands and paths which weave and show of views of the
Whilst listening carefully I could hear the distant traffic
but this did not last for long as a robin right above me bellowed its heart
out, enough to blur out any traffic sounds. Looking further down, to the
greenery at my level and there’s a host of berries, including the distinctive
late autumn crop of rose hip as well as sloes. Some of which have just been
feasted on by the blackbird which bolted out.
Looking to the ground and how can we give the autumn
treasure of fungi a miss. Whilst I kneel down, I investigate the scattering of
dead bark. A common type I came across was turkey tail. On closer examination it’s pretty obvious why
it has this name. While the upper surface comprises of centric zones of red,
yellow, green, blue, brown, black and white, the underside, which is covered in
tiny shallow pores, is white.
Whilst still in the search of other fungi species I come
across a sign saying ‘mini beast hunting’ however something tells me it’s
rather quiet at the moment, not many of the smaller kind around! Nevertheless,
I stumbled across a hedgehog house. A very important house, perhaps there’s a
little fellow fast asleep in there right now. Enjoying the peace and quiet as
the cold weather starts to kick in! There’s no doubt that RSPB Sandwell Valley
is truly giving nature a home.
Further down the path and you’re presented with a view which
could only match to that of an artist’s painting. With what looks like a
hundred different colours, all different tones of orange, red, yellow, green
and even some pink. On the path before me I’m taken through an arch with a
floor of similar colours and tones. After a wet night, the smell is very
distinctive. The smell of wet leaves seems to have some sort of ring about it,
definitely a key smell of autumn. With the gentle breeze, more shapes,
patterns, colours and tones are added.
Before entering the hide I’m rung deaf by a volery of long
tailed tits, all squabbling in the tree above but a delightful sound. Once sat in the hide I’m not only greeted by
the regular bird watchers here but also some of the usual bird suspects. I’m also
told about the morning’s sightings of a pintail which was part way through
maulting, wigeon, shoveler, snipe and the kingfisher from earlier which gave a
display which can only be classed as showing off! As I look out from the hide,
in front of me stands six cormorants balanced on one of the platforms. One of
which was bathing itself in the mid morning mist and making the occasional
rattling call. I also spotted a few goosanders, some to early to identify as
either male or female. However those in the hide did get some good sites as one
flew right over to go and sit opposite on one of the platforms, mixed in with
the gulls. I also managed to see a shoveler out
on the lake, with the startling white colouration on its body as well as
plenty of teal.

As the drizzle begins again another squabble occurs within
the group of gulls and a couple of lapwing hop around the island. On my way
back up to the visitor centre, the rain clears away once more and the rich,
golden autumnal landscape continues to glow.
Georgia, RSPB Sandwell volunteer